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We offer job preparedness courses at One City, as we know there are employers looking for local qualified employees. Our community has individuals who want employment and may benefit from the direction, resources, and connections provided through these classes. At One City, we help bridge this gap by offering job preparedness courses and connecting local employers to potential employees.


One City has partnered with an established job preparedness program called Work Life which is a Biblically-based 10 week program that meets twice a week. Incorporating material already developed by Advance Memphis and Jobs for Life, Work Life facilitators are trained by the Chalmers Center to empower people to find work—and to flourish in it.


Work Life reaches beyond basic skills like writing a resume or navigating a job interview.  This training addresses the impact of joblessness through the dignity of work and helps those in need find dignity and purpose through meaningful work.


Sample Work Life Classes include:

  • Building on Past Experiences

  • Building Character and Skills

  • Exploring our Gifts

  • Identifying What Employers Want

  • Speaking and Listening

  • Resolving Conflict

  • Putting Best Practices to Work on the Job

  • Persevering on the Long Journey

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Work Life is designed for people who are unemployed or underemployed. The program inspires, guides, and equips participants as they prepare to find and keep meaningful employment. Throughout each course, participants work with an ally (mentor) who walks alongside them throughout the program. Classes are offered in Cape Girardeau and Sikeston.

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Allies are volunteers from our community who attend classes and serve as an additional support system to the class participants. They also serve as a connection after class is complete and may use their current connections and resources to help the participant identify potential jobs in the community. 

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At One City we want to help bridge the gap of the unemployed and underemployed, and connect potential employees with potential employers. We are working to form relationships with local businesses to evaluate their workers’ needs and staffing requirements to better facilitate and coordinate our job training programs.


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They helped with no other motive, they wanted to see us be successful. They did everything they could to help us feel prepared to go into the workforce, and believe in ourselves, that there is a place for each of us.

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The work life class helped me improve my work ethic and showed me that I have a purpose in both my life and my work. It inspired me to see the connection between the foundation of faith and my work and how to just give back to what has been given to me.

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Work Life gave me tools to find a job, and really to keep a job. They pointed out keys to success, like keeping God first, even in the workplace.

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